Æfinga og mótaáætlun Goðans 2024-25. Chess events 2024-25
The Godinn May-tournament will be the last tournament of the season 2022-23. It´s a Blitz tournament. 7 rounds. 5 min + 5 sec/move extra time. Date and time is Saturday 6. of may and starts at 14:00. (ends at 16:00)
The tournament is free of charge. Sign up at Hermanns email, lyngbrekku@simnet.is or phone (8213187) The tournament will be at Vaglaskógur forest in Fnjóskadalur (on the map below) It is close to Akureyri. You drive all the way to the Tunnel, but you dont go inside the tunnel. Turn left very close to the Tunnel. There is a cabin in the wood and it is not easy to find. Here are some maps to help finding the spot.

The chess season 2023-24 for Godinn chess club starts on Monday evening, September 4, with chess practice and a social meeting in Framsýnhouse in Húsavík. The chess practice starts at 19:00 and the social meeting will then take place after the practice, which will probably be around 21:00. It is desirable that as many people as possible can attend both events and especially the social meeting where many important issues will be discussed regarding the coming season.
Among the things that need to be discussed at the meeting is the upcoming Icelandis chess club tournament , practice and tournament schedule, a possible rated tournament sequence (practice sequence) and last but not least, a trip to a chess tournament in Europe during Easter 2024, which is being prepared.
Undoubtedly, many other things will be discussed and attendance at the meeting is therefore ideal for those interested who want to come up with ideas to improve the work. As always, everyone interested is welcome to the practice and social meeting.
Hermann Aðalsteinsson, chairman of the Godinn chess club.

Septemberskákmót Goðans 2023 fer fram í Framsýnarsalnum mánudagskvöldið 18. september og hefst það kl 20:00. Mótið er hraðskákmót og eru tímamörkin 5 mín með 3 sek viðbótartíma á hvern leik. Tefldar verða 7 umferðir og verður mótið reiknað til hraðskákstiga hjá FIDE. Líkleg mótslok eru um kl 22:00
Ekkert þátttökugjald er í mótið og engin verðlaun verða veitt.
Mótið er opið öllum áhugasömum og skráning í það er hafin. Áhugasamir geta skráð sig til leiks á facebook síðu Goðans eða haft samband við Hermann formann í síma 8213187.